We are a specialized provider of safety boat services throughout Ireland

How can we help you with your project?

Commercial P2 Registered Safety Boats:

  •  Suitable for diverse projects such as:
    • On-water installations
    • Scaffolding erection
    • Bridge inspections
    • Flood barrier repairs
    • Environmental surveys

Key Features:

  • Qualified Personnel: All boats come equipped with a competent and qualified helm.
  • Flexible Staffing: Additional crew members can be provided as needed.
  • Availability: Services are available 24/7, ensuring support for projects at any time.

Safety Boats Ireland Hire ensures that all safety boat operations are carried out efficiently and professionally, meeting the specific needs of each project.

Floating Pontoon Services

 We offer a comprehensive range of modular floating pontoons that cater to various environments, including seas, lakes, canals, and rivers.

Safety Guidelines for Working Near Water

Working near water poses unique risks that require stringent safety measures. Here are some of the essential guidelines to ensure safety in your work environment:

1. Risk Assessment

  • Identify Hazards: Analyze the work site to identify potential water-related risks.
  • Develop a Safety Plan: Create a comprehensive safety plan addressing identified hazards.

2. Training and Awareness

  • Safety Training: Ensure all personnel receive training in water safety and emergency procedures.
  • Regular Drills: Conduct regular safety drills to keep the team prepared for emergencies.

3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Life Jackets: Mandatory wearing of life jackets or personal flotation devices (PFDs).
  • Protective Clothing: Use waterproof and thermal protective clothing as necessary.

4. Safety Equipment

  • Rescue Equipment: Have life rings, throw bags, and other rescue equipment readily available.
  • First Aid Kits: Ensure first aid kits are accessible and stocked.

5. Communication

  • Reliable Communication: Maintain clear and reliable communication among team members.
  • Emergency Contacts: Keep a list of emergency contacts and procedures visible and accessible.

6. Supervision and Monitoring

  • Qualified Supervision: Assign a qualified supervisor to oversee safety protocols.
  • Regular Checks: Conduct regular checks to ensure compliance with safety measures.

7. Worksite Management

  • Clear Signage: Post warning signs and safety instructions at strategic locations.
  • Controlled Access: Restrict unauthorized access to the worksite.

8. Environmental Considerations

  • Weather Conditions: Monitor weather forecasts and adjust work plans accordingly.
  • Water Conditions: Be aware of tides, currents, and water levels that may impact safety.

9. Emergency Preparedness

  • Emergency Plan: Develop and communicate a clear emergency response plan.
  • Rescue Boats: Ensure safety boats are available and manned by qualified personnel.


Implementing these safety guidelines can significantly reduce the risks associated with working near water. Ensuring that all team members are well-trained, equipped, and prepared can create a safer work environment and help prevent accidents.